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Literary Movements & Literary Devices Study Material (PDF eBook)

Literary Movements & Literary Devices Study Material (PDF eBook)



7 chapters

Chapter 1: Scottish Chaucerians, University Wits, Comedy of Humour, Masque, Sons of Ben, Metaphysical Poets, Cavalier Poets, Commedia Dell'arte

Chapter 2: Kitkat Club, Scriblerus Club, Graveyard Poets, Lake Poets, Satanic School of Poetry, Cockney School of Poetry, Dark Romantics, Transcendentalism, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood

Chapter 3: Aestheticism, Fireside Poets, Oxford Movement, Realism, Naturalism, Impressionism, Symbolism, Imagism, Dadaism, Surrealism Chapter 4: Rhymer's Club, Irish Dramatic Movement, Auden Group, Georgian Poets, Harlem Renaissance, War Poets, Lost Generation, Bloomsbury Group, Stream of Consciousness, Black Mountain Poets, New Apocalyptic, Southern Agrarians, Black Arts Movement

Chapter 5: Existentialism, Agitprop, Theatre of Cruelty, Epic Theatre, Angry Young Men, Kitchen Sink Drama, Theatre of Absurd, Theatre of Oppressed, Beat Generation, Confessional Poets, Movement Poets

Chapter 6: Literary Terms & Devices (I)

Chapter 7: Literary Terms & Devices (II)

10-15 MCQs  at the end of each chapter


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