Literary Movements & Literary Devices
7 sessions on 50 literary movements (from Renaissance to Postmodern Age) & 50 literary devices.
Service Description
Session 1: Scottish Chaucerians, University Wits, Comedy of Humour, Masque, Sons of Ben, Metaphysical Poets, Cavalier Poets, Commedia Dell'arte Session 2: Kitkat Club, Scriblerus Club, Graveyard Poets, Lake Poets, Satanic School of Poetry, Cockney School of Poetry, Dark Romantics, Transcendentalism, Pre-Raphaelite Brotherhood Session 3: Aestheticism, Fireside Poets, Oxford Movement, Realism, Naturalism, Impressionism, Symbolism, Imagism, Dadaism, Surrealism Session 4: Rhymer's Club, Irish Dramatic Movement, Auden Group, Georgian Poets, Harlem Renaissance, War Poets, Lost Generation, Bloomsbury Group, Stream of Consciousness, Black Mountain Poets, New Apocalyptic, Southern Agrarians, Black Arts Movement Session 5: Existentialism, Agitprop, Theatre of Cruelty, Epic Theatre, Angry Young Men, Kitchen Sink Drama, Theatre of Absurd, Theatre of Oppressed, Beat Generation, Confessional Poets, Movement Poets Session 6: Literary Terms & Devices (I) Session 7: Literary Terms & Devices (II) 10-15 MCQs will be discussed at the end of each lecture. PDF notes will be sent by email after each class. The Google meet link will be sent by email 30 minutes before each session starts. e-certificates will be sent to all the learners within 10 days of completion of the course. Note: This is a tentative schedule. In case of any changes in the schedule, learners will be informed by email.
Contact Details
Kolkata, West Bengal, India