Literary Theory & Cultural Studies
21 Sessions on Literary theory & Cultural studies
Service Description
Lecture 1: Literary Theory - New Criticism (I) : I.A.Richards, William Empson. Cleanth Brooks Lecture 2: Literary Theory - New Criticism (II): F.R.Leavis, Wimsatt & Beardsley, R.P.Blackmur, Allen Tate, John Crowe Ransom Lecture 3: Literary Theory - Formalism : Victor Shklovsky, Yury Tynyanov, Boris Eikhenbaum, Roman Jakobson Lecture 4: Literary Theory - Structuralism (I) : Saussure, Charles Sanders Peirce Lecture 5: Literary Theory- Structuralism (II) : Claude Levi-Strauss, Gerard Genette, Mikhail Bakhtin, Roland Barthes Lecture 6: Literary Theory - Post Structuralism: Michel Foucault Lecture 7: Literary Theory - Deconstruction: Jacques Derrida Lecture 8: Literary Theory - Postmodernism (I) : Jean Baudrillard Lecture 9: Literary Theory- Postmodernism (II): Julia Kristeva, Jean Francois Lyotard, Frederic Jameson Lecture 10: Literary Theory - Psychoanalytic Criticism (I): Sigmund Freud Lecture 11: Literary Theory - Psychoanalytic Criticism (II): Jacques Lacan, Harold Bloom, Noam Chomsky Lecture 12: Literary Theory - Archetypal Criticism Lecture 13: Reader-Response Literary Theory Lecture 14: Literary Theory - Feminism (I) : Mary Wollstonecraft, Virginia Woolf, Kate Millet Lecture 15: Literary Theory - Feminism (II): Simone de Beauvoir, Judith Butler, Elaine Showalter, Helene Cixous Lecture 16: Literary Theory - Marxism (I): Karl Marx & Friedrich Engels Lecture 17: Literary Theory - Marxism (II) : Louis Althusser, Antonio Gramsci, Pierre Bourdieu, Paul Ricoeur, Ernest Mandel Lecture 18: Postcolonial Criticism (I): Franz Fanon, Edward Said Lecture 19: Postcolonial Criticism (II): Homi K Bhabha, Gayatri Spivak, Cesaire & Senghor, Edward Soja, Benedict Anderson Lecture 20: New Historicism and Cultural Studies (I) Lecture 21: New Historicism and Cultural Studies (II): Stephen Greenblatt, Raymond Williams, Stuart Hall 10-20 MCQs will be discussed at the end of each lecture. PDF notes will be sent by email after each class. The Google meet link will be sent by email 30 minutes before each session starts. e-certificates will be sent to all the learners within 10 days of completion of the course. Note: This is a tentative schedule. In case of any changes in the schedule, learners will be informed by email. The classes will be recorded and the recording will be sent to all the learners. Learners will have access to all the recordings till 15th June, 2025
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Contact Details
Kolkata, West Bengal, India